西營盤歷史文化徑/ 醫療及衛生發展


During Hong Kong’s earliest days as a British colony, Sai Ying Pun played an important role in the establishment of the city’s medical system.  The footprints of such development can still be found today.

Sai Ying Pun was one of the earliest settlement sites of the Chinese in Hong Kong, and before government-funded medical services became widely available to the public, there were numerous healthcare facilities in the district.  These facilities treated their patients based on the philosophy of Chinese folk medicine.  In addition, land in Sai Ying Pun was cheaper than in Central and Sheung Wan, and so the government and other organizations chose Sai Ying Pun as an ideal site to build healthcare institutions.  As a result, one can find many traces of the development of medical and healthcare services in Sai Ying Pun.


連結 Links/

1. 舊西約公立方便醫局 及 舊贊育醫院 Old Western Public Dispensary &Old Tsan Yuk Hospital

2. 第二街公共浴室 the Second Street Public Bathroom

3. 福德宮 Fuk Tak Kung

4. 精神病院群/ 瘋人院、國家醫院護士宿舍(高街鬼屋) Mental Institutions Cluster/ Lunatic Asylum, Sisters’ Quarters of Civil Hospital (High Street Ghost House)

5. 雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院(已拆卸) Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital (Demolished)

6. 卜公花園、磅巷浴室、細菌檢驗所 Blake Garden, Pound Lane Bathhouse, & the Bacteriological Institute

7. 廣福義祠 及 東華(中)醫院 Kwong Fook I Tsz & Tung Wah (Chinese) Hospital 

8. 大笪地江湖郎中 Quack Doctors in the Night Market

9. 性病醫院 及 國家醫院 Lock Hospital and Government Civil Hospital 

10. 國家醫院院長宿舍 及 醫生宿舍 Residence of the Superintendent of Government Civil Hospital & Doctors’ Quarters


西營盤歷史文化徑首頁 Sai Ying Pun Heritage Trail/ Main Page


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