《電車‧維城 ──歷史圖片集》精選一百張珍貴電車歷史圖片,製成明信片集,重現維城百年之美。賣書收益,將全數撥捐 長春社文化古蹟資源中心 (CACHe),繼續推動保育工作。
“A Tram Ride in Victoria City” is a collection of 100 rare old tram photos in capturing the beauty of Hong Kong Island North at various times, with inner pages that can be separated as individual postcards. All the proceeds will go to The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) to support the organization’s work in heritage conservation.

「古者穿地取水,以瓶引汲,謂之為井。」都市生活,打井取水似乎遙不可及,但城市人的「必須」,例如燃氣、電力、電訊光纖,一如古人的食水,一切供給其實就井然隱藏於地下,維持著我們舒適的城市生活。低頭一看,在我們每天經過的街道上,各式井蓋(manhole cover,又稱進人井蓋、沙井蓋)就是貫通地上地下之門,從中可以讀到城市發展的歷史痕跡,窺探「香港製造」的工業故事。
感謝您, 以跑步支持保育! Thank you for funding us as you run! 由全城街馬主辦的太陽國際金融集團香港街馬@中環2015 ,於9月6日舉行, 超過8000多人為公益而跑。長春社文化古蹟資源中心為活動受惠機構之一,特意聯同傳統印刷店光華印務,以傳統活字印刷術結合電板製作,印製別具意義的感謝卡。CACHe 誠邀你欣賞短片,了解背後的製作過程,並再次多謝跑手與善長的支持! SUNIFG HONG KONG STREETATHON@central 2015 was held by RunOurCity on 6 September 2015. Over 8,000 participants of different backgrounds ran for charity. CACHe, as one of the beneficiaries, has prepared a special souvenirs to acknowledge the support by our donors. The More »

Let historical landmarks and architecture take us back in time, open up conversation with the past and rediscover the forgotten details…
With the generous support of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, CACHe is organizing a series of activities in association with RTHK’s History of Hong Kong Series III with the aim to further promote the public’s interest in local history. TheHistory of Hong Kong Series covers a wide range of topics that surround many historical landmarks, including the histories of medical and legal development, the press, transportation, housing, and community development. The photography competition aims to enlist the community to discover more stories of the past through their camera lenses.