井蓋展 Manhole Covers Exhibition
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「古者穿地取水,以瓶引汲,謂之為井。」都市生活,打井取水似乎遙不可及,但城市人的「必須」,例如燃氣、電力、電訊光纖,一如古人的食水,一切供給其實就井然隱藏於地下,維持著我們舒適的城市生活。低頭一看,在我們每天經過的街道上,各式井蓋(manhole cover,又稱進人井蓋、沙井蓋)就是貫通地上地下之門,從中可以讀到城市發展的歷史痕跡,窺探「香港製造」的工業故事。

井蓋從來不是大眾寵兒,更難與文化保育拉上關聯;但這些必不可少的公共設施,除了見證各種政府工務的演變,亦由其款式、物料、生產技術,反映香港生鐵鑄業的百年發展。長春社文化古蹟資源中心 (CACHe) 策劃《井蓋展》,以腳邊的井蓋為起點,介紹香港井蓋鑄廠及工匠,展示一個井蓋的誕生,追尋香港政府公共服務進程,解讀井蓋上的資訊。從最尋常的城市風景,進入鮮被探究的歷史領域。


To maintain a comfy life, we depend on underground facilities for the conveyance, storage or transmission of gas, electricity and cable communications. Beneath our feet, manhole covers that we pass over every day serve as the gateway between the two worlds, above and underneath. Through them, one can know about the historical changes along the development of the city, and read the industrial story of “Made in Hong Kong”.

Manhole cover is never a popular discussion topic. Neither can it be easily associated with cultural conservation. Yet these essential public facilities do not only witness the changes of public works, but also reflect the development of the iron foundry industry of Hong Kong for the past century through different designs, materials and manufacturing techniques. The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) organises this “Manhole Covers” exhibition in hope of unearthing the secret information hidden in the manhole covers, so as to attain better knowledge of iron foundries of our city, its craftsmen and operatives, to exhibit the birth of a manhole cover, and to explore the history of Hong Kong’s progressive public works. Through these most common covers, we present you the least explored territory of Hong Kong’s history.


Manhole Covers Exhibition

展覽地點: 長春社文化古蹟資源中心 香港西營盤西邊街36A後座
Exhibition Venue: CACHe @ Annex Block, 36A Western Street, Sai Ying Pun

展覽開幕: 2018年3月17日15:00
Exhibition Opening: 15:00, 17 March 2018

展覽日期: 2018年3月17日 至 5月12日
Date: 17 March to 12 May 2018

展覽時間: 星期二至六 上午十時至下午一時;下午二時至下午六時(逢星期日、一休息)
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 1pm, 2pm to 6pm (Closed on Sundays, Mondays)



展覽特備活動:西營盤井蓋初探導賞團 (In Chinese Only)



日期: 2018年3月24日、3月31日、4 月7 日、4 月14日、4 月21日、4 月28日、5 月5日、5 月12日(展期內逢星期六)
時間: (4月28 日起)15:00 及16:00 各一團
地點: 西營盤區
參與: 無需預先報名,出發前5 分鐘於CACHe 正門集合
費用: 全免 (每團名額15 位,先到先得)


香港賽馬會社區資助計劃 — 世代共融社區文化遺產計劃
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Jockey Club Cultural Heritage Community Integration Scheme


The Scheme is organised by the Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. Through various community-based activities, the Scheme serves to encourage intergenerational exchanges and embrace social inclusion. It is also committed to enhancing the ambiance of community engagement and participation in cultural heritage conservation and strengthening social cohesion. Launched in 2005, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Community Project Grant provides its partners with funding in three-year cycles to deliver appropriate community services and support the underprivileged.


The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe)


Established in 2005, The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) is committed to organising different heritage conservation activities. Our mission is to promote the history and culture of Hong Kong, to develop a knowledge exchange platform, and to encourage public engagement in the conservation of community cultural heritage and hence enhance the realisation of their social identities.



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