未讀完的舊課本展覽 Unfinished Old Textbook Exhibition
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舊課本的製作、印刷、出版、發行以及書內的插圖和影像都富有時代色彩。課文內容也反映出編者對不同年代的社會文化想像與詮釋,當中尤以小學的語文科、常識科和健康教育科的內容最為豐富,是研究香港社會歷史文化的好材料。 長春社文化古蹟資源中心(CACHe)有幸與〈舊課本〉共同策劃展覽,展示各種舊課本與教學工具,與大家再讀未完的舊課本並重溫舊課本裡的舊香港。再讀舊課本除了讓大家懷緬過去在課堂學習的時光外,也提醒我們過去社會提倡的生活文化與價值。我們期待大家能在舊課本裡重溫消失了的香港影像及其美好價值,亦寄望透過分享舊物及其故事,展開與不同年代香港人的對話開端。


Textbooks are one of the best tools to record and pass on knowledge. The information and teachings delivered in textbooks could have profound impact on students apart from teachers’ lecturing. During times when information technology was yet to prevail, ordinary textbooks were an important medium for students to learn about the society of Hong Kong and the world. What do these old textbooks worth beyond classes or graduation?

The production, printing, publishing, distribution, as well as the illustrations and images of old textbooks were rich in cultural characteristics of particular eras. The subject contents usually reflected editors’ imagination and elaboration of different social cultures over times. In particular, the contents of languages, general studies and health education subjects were rich, making them good research materials for topics on the history and cultures of old Hong Kong.

The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) has great pleasure to partner with the OLD TEXTBOOKS in organising this exhibition, to display old textbooks and teaching materials and to reminisce about the old Hong Kong illustrated within. Besides providing us a channel to recollect our precious classroom memories, the exhibition reminds us about the cultures and values of life advocated by the community. We hope you will recall the wonderful images and values of Hong Kong through rereading the old textbooks, and hope that the sharing of old stuff and stories will break the communication gap between different generations of Hong Kong people.


展覽地點: 長春社文化古蹟資源中心 香港西營盤西邊街36A後座
Exhibition Venue: CACHe @ Annex Block, 36A Western Street, Sai Ying Pun

展覽開幕: 2016年3月25日15:00
Exhibition Opening: 15:00, 25 March 2016

展覽日期: 2016年3月25日 至 5月7日
Date: 25 March 2016 to 7 May 2016

展覽時間: 星期二至六 上午十時至下午一時;下午二時至下午六時(星期日、一及公眾假期休息)
Opening Hours:       Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 6pm (Closed on Sundays, Mondays and Public Holidays)


開幕講座: 舊課本讀未完分享會


時間: 2016年3月25日
時間:16:00 -17:30
地點: 長春社文化古蹟資源中心@西營盤西邊街36號A後座
名額:40人 (座位有限,先到先得)


賽馬會社區資助計劃 -社區文化遺產保育計劃 /

Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant  – Community Heritage Conservation Project /

This project is funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and organized by the Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage. The project includes a series of programmes to promote heritage conservation. It aims to strengthen public understanding on our history and community cultural heritage, so that every stakeholder can enjoy and involve in conservation activities that enhance local identity and community cohesion.


關於我們 /
CACHe於2005年成立, 一直積極舉辦古蹟保育活動。我們將繼續秉承宗旨,推廣香港歷史文化,建立知識交流平台,鼓勵大眾參與社區文化遺產保育,建立社區身份認同。

About CACHe /

Established in 2005, CACHe is committed to organizing different heritage conservation activities. Its mission is to promote the history and culture of Hong Kong, to develop a knowledge exchange platform, and to encourage public engagement in the conservation of community cultural heritage and hence enhance the realization of their social identities.



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