九龍醫院 Kowloon Hospital

評級:二級歷史建築八座(A座、B座、C座、M座、P座、R座、門診室及 Isolation Block)﹔三級歷史建築兩座(平房設施)




CACHe · 090C


CACHe · 090M

Grading: Grade 2 (Block A, Block B, Block C, Block M, Block P, Block R, Outpatient Block & Isolation Block); Grade 3 Historic Building (Two Utility Building)

Considering the growing population in the area, the Kowloon Residents’ Association — established in 1920 — once wrote to the colonial government and asked for a hospital to be built in Kowloon, so that patients didn’t have to travel to other districts to seek medical consultation. Completed in 1925, the first public hospital in the Kowloon district consisted of two blocks in the beginning. The building then underwent several expansions between 1932 and 1938, and two bungalows were built during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong. In 1963, the Queen Elizabeth Hospital was built and became the major public hospital in the district. The Kowloon Hospital was later converted into a chest clinic, providing primarily infirmary care services.

The Kowloon Hospital is a low-density complex combining Chinese and Western architecture. Blocks A to R are green-brick structures, with some featuring hip-and-gable roofs and others emphasising their hipped tiled roofs. Bull horn ornaments can be found at the end of the roof ridges and the roof corners of three of the building blocks. Other building features, such as the bull’s-eye windows and the arched verandas, display a Classical Revival design.

CACHe · 090E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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