馬灣舊村、舊九龍關 Ma Wan Old Village & Old Kowloon Customs





CACHe · 089C


CACHe · 089M

Grading: Grade 3 (Stone Tablets of the Old Kowloon Customs)

During the early days, people in the Ma Wan Old Village lived in stilt houses, and depended for their living on farming, fishing, and making shrimp paste. There were schools, grocery stores, and other facilities on the island. After the completion of the Tsing Ma Bridge in 1997, the Ma Wan Old Village was resumed by the government for the development of Ma Wan Park, and the villagers subsequently moved out in 2005. However, the development plan couldn’t be carried out as scheduled, and the village has been deserted for years.

Between the 1860s and 1870s, the Qing government established customs stations in Ma Wan and three other places along the coastal region to collect tariffs on foreign trade and combat the smuggling of opium. These customs stations were later grouped as the Kowloon Customs. In 1897, a new customs post had to be built in Ma Wan. The construction, which involved the occupation of civilian land, was met with opposition from villagers. At the end, the government and the villagers agreed on the construction of a road not more than 7 feet wide, and stones were erected to mark the site. The Kowloon Customs was closed in 1898, but the stones inscribed with the words “Kowloon Customs” and “Kowloon Customs leased seven feet of land” have been preserved on the site till this day.

CACHe · 089E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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