何東夫人醫局 Lady Ho Tung Welfare Centre

鳴謝劉國偉先生提供照片。 Photos courtesy of Mr Lau Kwok Wai.





CACHe · 078C


CACHe · 078M

Grading: Grade 2 (Main Block & Bungalow)

Since the 1910s, Sir Robert Ho Tung had been keeping an eye on the developments in the New Territories. His first wife, Margaret Mak Sau-ying, bought a farmland near Kam Tsin Village in Sheung Shui, where Tung Ying Hok Po — also known as Sheung Shui Ho Tung Garden — was built. Mak visited Sheung Shui frequently, showing a lot of care to villagers in the area. She once funded the construction of a free school in Sheung Shui. She also donated the money given by her husband as a wedding anniversary gift to the government for building a clinic in Kwu Tung, after noticing an insufficient supply of local healthcare services there.

Built in 1932, Lady Ho Tung Welfare Centre comprises a main house and a small cottage, which are connected by a covered walkway. It is one of the first rural clinics in the New Territories. After the centre was opened in 1934, it served mainly as a maternity centre as well as a sanatorium for Indian soldiers. It was later converted into a general outpatient clinic. Since 2005, the site has been closed and left vacant due to damages in the roof. The centre is expected to be revitalised and transformed into an ecology discovery centre in future.

CACHe · 078E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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