下白泥碉堡 Fortified Structure at Ha Pak Nai

鳴謝劉國偉先生提供照片。 Photos courtesy of Mr Lau Kwok Wai.





CACHe · 045C


CACHe · 045M

Grading: Declared Monument

The fortified structure at Ha Pak Nai was one of the military bases used by Sun Yat-sen and his comrades during the 1911 Revolution. In 1901, Li Ki-tong, a follower of Sun, set up the Castle Peak Farm in Tuen Mun as a place to store and experiment with firearms, and assist the fleeing revolutionaries. In 1910, after the failure of the Guangzhou New Army Uprising, Tang Yam-nam, a member of the Revive China Society, established a military base at the sparsely populated area of Ha Pak Nai, where a fortified structure was built for monitoring the border. Constructed of green brick, the two-storey high rectangular structure features a simple design, with both the upper and lower parts of its outer wall built with embrasures for defence. The windows were specially designed to provide people in the building with a wider view of the outside.

Following the success of the revolution, the fortified structure had, for decades, been resided by the Chiu family — descendants of one of the revolutionaries — who later moved out due to structural safety problems of the building. The fortified structure was declared a statutory monument in 2011, after which several repair and strengthening works have been carried out.

CACHe · 045E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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