前南九龍裁判署 Former South Kowloon District Court





CACHe · 038C


CACHe · 038M

Grading: Grade 1

Situated on the hill, the former South Kowloon District Court features in front of its main entrance a fine staircase with classical balustrade. On the first and second floors are the verandas and granite columns, which emphasise the elegance and solemnity of the building.

Given the heavy caseload of the Kowloon Magistracy built in 1924, the government established a new magistrate’s court on Gascoigne Road in 1936. The first case handled by the court after it was opened involved a Chinese street vendor, who was found hawking without a license at the time of arrest. The defendant, charged with obstructing the traffic, pleaded guilty to the offence. Considering that it was the first day of the court’s opening, the judge chose to give a warning instead of sentencing the defendant. During the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, the building served as the Kowloon Headquarters of the Kempeitai, and resumed its original use after the Second World War. In 1957, the magistracy was renamed the South Kowloon District Court. In 1986, it was used as the central file repository by the Judiciary to store court documents and files. The building has served as the Lands Tribunal since 1997.

CACHe · 038E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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