舊調景嶺警署 Former Tiu Keng Leng Police Station



CACHe · 035C


CACHe · 035M

Towards the end of the Chinese Civil War, many Kuomintang soldiers and their families fled to Hong Kong and were settled in the refugee camp at Mount Davis. In early 1950, violent clashes took place at Mount Davis between former soldiers of the Kuomintang Party and some pro-Beijing unionists, who sang and danced near the refugee camp to show their support for the Chinese Communist Party. To separate the two groups of people, the British government relocated the former Kuomintang soldiers to Rennie’s Mill (or Tiu Keng Leng), a place that became known as “Little Taiwan”. In 1956, Double Tenth riots erupted in Kowloon as provocations between the pro-Nationalist and the pro-Communist factions escalated. In 1962, the British government decided to build a police station to monitor the Rennie’s Mill residents. Situated on the hill that overlooks the squatter settlement, the Rennie’s Mill Police Station (or Tiu Keng Leng Police Station) had a guard tower with a powerful searchlight. In 1996, the government started clearing the squatter areas to make space for developing Tseung Kwan O new town. In 1999, part of the old police station was rented out and became home to Po Yin Fat Yuen, a Buddhist temple that was regarded as the ancestral hall of the Rennie’s Mill residents. In 2014, the government announced its plan to revitalise the police station into an information centre introducing the development history of Tseung Kwan O.

CACHe · 035E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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