舊九龍消防局 Old Kowloon Fire Station


位於梳士巴利道的舊九龍消防局主樓建於1920年,翌年啟用後負責九龍和新界的消防事務。主樓以紅磚建成,保留了屋頂煙囪,上層為高級職員宿舍,下層為工作間和車庫。旁邊的新宿舍在1922年加建,設有兩支滑柱,方便消防員迅速執勤。舊九龍消防局曾與彌敦道新設立的消防局「撞名」,舊九龍消防局因而曾易名為火車總站消防局。舊九龍消防局在1971年停止運作並遷至廣東道現址,其後曾用作郵局包裹收發部和政府倉庫。在2003年,舊九龍消防局被納入前水警總部的「1881 Heritage」活化項目,現為商店用途,旁邊還展示了一輛1940年製造的古董消防車。


CACHe · 032C


CACHe · 032M

Grading: Declared Monument (Accommodation Barrack); Grade 2 (Main Block)

Situated on Salisbury Road, the Old Kowloon Fire Station was built in 1920 and opened in the following year, serving Kowloon and the New Territories. The main building was a two-storey red brick structure, with the upper floor used as senior staff quarters and the lower floor as a working area and a garage. The chimney on the roof of the building was preserved. Built next to the main building in 1922 were the new quarters equipped with two sliding poles which allowed prompt response of firefighters to any accidents. Sharing the same name as the fire station later built on Nathan Road, the Old Kowloon Fire Station was once renamed the “Terminus Fire Station”. The Old Kowloon Fire Station ceased operations in 1971 and was moved to its current location on Canton Road. The site was then used by the Post Office for sending and receiving parcels, and as a government storage facility. In 2003, the fire station was included as part of the revitalisation project at the site of the former Marine Police Headquarters known as “1881 Heritage”. Under the project, the fire station has been repurposed into a shop, next to which an old fire truck made in 1940 is on display.

CACHe · 032E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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