半島酒店 The Peninsula Hotel





CACHe · 029C


CACHe · 029M

Grading: Grade 1

Renowned for its luxury, the Peninsula Hotel is the oldest hotel in Hong Kong. Completed in 1927, the hotel has a magnificent interior, designed in Italian Renaissance and Baroque architectural styles. Popular among the rich and famous, the hotel owns a large fleet of Rolls-Royces, which has been used for transporting guests since the 1970s. The hotel building, which had seven floors above ground originally, underwent expansion in 1991. A thirty-storey new wing was added to the top floor of the north tower, with a helipad built on the roof.

With over ninety years of history, the Peninsula Hotel has had its dark times in the city. In 1941, Sir Mark Aitchison Young, the then Governor of Hong Kong, surrendered to the Japanese in Room 336 of the hotel. The event marked the fall of Hong Kong and the beginning of the Japanese occupation. The hotel was then used by the Japanese army as their temporary headquarters at the time.

CACHe · 029E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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