道風山基督教叢林 Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre


  在沙田仰望群山,總是遙見一個十字架屹立其上,這正是道風山所在之地。傳教士艾香德牧師(Karl Ludvig Reichelt)到湖南傳道後對佛教產生濃厚興趣,曾在南京創立景風山,開放佛教及道教徒一同交流。1931年他南下香港繼續宣教,並創辦道風山基督教叢林。


CACHe · 027C


CACHe · 027M

Grading: Grade 2

If you look up to the mountain range in Sha Tin, you’ll see from a distance a white cross standing on a hill that overlooks the town. That’s where Tao Fung Shan is. Norwegian Lutheran missionary Karl Ludvig Reichelt developed a strong interest in Buddhism after he had preached in Hunan of China in the 1900s. He then established Ching Fong Shan in Nanjing to promote exchanges between Buddhists and Taoists. In 1931, he travelled south to Hong Kong to continue with his missionary work, and founded Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre.

Unlike other places for Christian spiritual retreats, Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre incorporates many Chinese design features. The Lutheran Church is an octagonal structure reminiscent of a traditional Chinese temple, with red columns, white walls and a turquoise roof. The roof ridges are decorated with small statuettes of Buddhist monks, as opposed to animal or mythical figures commonly found in Chinese-style temples. A bronze bell is hanged next to the front door of the temple. It is a relic of Ching Fong Shan cast with a Tao Fong Shan’s symbol — a cross rising out of a lotus. The nearby Thanksgiving Pavilion is decorated with a set of tile paintings, each portraying a story from the Bible. Rendered in the style of Chinese ink paintings, the decoration is an interesting combination of Chinese and Western elements.

CACHe · 027E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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