砵典乍街 Pottinger Street



1858年,殖民地政府將此街道命名為砵典乍街,以紀念第一任香港總督砵甸乍爵士 (Sir Henry Pottinger)。



CACHe · 023C


CACHe · 023M


Grading: Grade 1

During the early days of Hong Kong, most parts of the city were built on hills. A section of the Pottinger Street — a pedestrian path connecting Hollywood Road on the hill and Queen’s Road Central down the hill — was particularly steep. It was paved with uneven slabs of cobblestone to facilitate walking up and down the slope, and was therefore known to the locals as “Stone Slab Street”. The special design also allowed rainwater to flow along the kerbs.

In 1858, the colonial government named the street after Sir Henry Pottinger, the first governor of Hong Kong.

Featured in many foreign books, magazines, and films, “Stone Slab Street” has been internationally known for its unique design since the 1960s. Noticing the importance of the street, the colonial government poured great resources into its maintenance and preservation in 1961. Workers were asked to renovate every stone of the pavement and remove any stains or decayed portions from it.

CACHe · 023E


「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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