城皇街、永利街 Shing Wong Street, Wing Lee Street




CACHe · 022C


CACHe · 022M

Named after the now demolished Shing Wong Temple in the neighbourhood, Shing Wong Street is a century-old street of stone steps constructed on a hill. A row of thirty houses was built along the street, forming a community known as the “Thirty Houses”. Closely connected with each other, the local residents here used to get together in the public space in front of the houses.
Wing Lee Street, a neighbouring street, was a major filming location for the award-winning film, Echoes of the Rainbow. Containing twelve post-war tenement buildings, the street drew wide attention after the movie was shot in 2010. The historic buildings were the reason for the filming to take place there, as they represented the way of living in the past. Home to many printing houses in the 1970s, Wing Lee Street and the neighbourhood witnessed the heyday of Hong Kong’s printing industry. Placed under conservation by the government, some of the tenement buildings on the street have been renovated. The restored buildings are, however, considered to have lost the distinctive qualities that characterised the place as a grassroot community.

CACHe · 022E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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