西灣國殤紀念墳場 Sai Wan War Cemetery




CACHe · 013C


CACHe · 013M

Most cemeteries give people a spooky feeling, but Sai Wan War Cemetery is an exception. Here, tombstones are neatly arranged in a scenic and tranquil environment that counters the image of a terrifying cemetery. Behind each grave, there lies a story of sacrifice.

During the Japanese invasion in 1941, the Hong Kong garrison — composed of about 13,000 soldiers from the British, Canadian, Indian and Chinese — fought in defence of the city. Despite long odds, these foreign soldiers fought on for 18 days in what became known as the Battle of Hong Kong, but failed to turn the tide. Most of the soldiers who died in the battle or subsequently in captivity were buried in the Sai Wan War Cemetery. The wall of the white cottage at the entrance is engraved with more than 2,000 names of military casualties whose bodies were never recovered. Every year, commemorative activities are held at the cemetery in remembrance of the deceased.

CACHe · 013E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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