城門(銀禧)水塘 Shing Mun Reservoir





CACHe · 010C


CACHe · 010M

Grading: Declared Monument (Memorial Stones of Shing Mun Reservoir); Grade 1 Historic Building (Gorge Dam, Valve Tower & Bellmouth Overflow); Grade 2 Historic Building (Steel Bridge)

After leasing the New Territories from China, the British extended the search for reservoir sites into other districts in order to ensure the water supply in the urban region. In 1923, a large reservoir was built in the Shing Mun Valley, situated in the north of Tsuen Wan. Its storage equalled nearly half of the total capacity of all Hong Kong reservoirs at the time. The water collected was transferred to the Kowloon Reception Reservoir and supplied to the Kowloon Peninsula as well as the Hong Kong Island through cross-harbour pipelines. The construction of Shing Mun Reservoir was arduous. Several accidents happened during the excavation, which was carried out using explosives instead of manual labour.

In 1935, to celebrate the silver jubilee of King George V’s accession, the reservoir was renamed the Jubilee Reservoir, although it is still popularly referred to by its original name. Shing Mun Reservoir also served as an important point of defence in the Kowloon Peninsula during the Second World War.

CACHe · 010E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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