薄扶林水塘 Pok Fu Lam Reservoir

鳴謝李澤恩先生提供照片。 Photos courtesy of Mr Stanley Lee.




CACHe · 007C


CACHe · 007M

Grading: Declared Monument (Gauge Basin, Former Watchman’s Cottage & Five Masonry Bridge); Grade 2
(Box Culvert, Embankment & Old Masonry Dam); Grade 3 (Air Vents at the Service Reservoir)

Water shortage was the biggest challenge faced by Hong Kong during its early days. With the rapid increase in population, it was impossible to satisfy the growing needs for water by solely relying on basic sources, such as wells and streams, for the city’s water supply. In 1859, the colonial government offered a reward of one thousand pounds sterling to solicit proposals for alternative water sources. It later built the city’s first reservoir in the Pok Fu Lam valley in the western part of Hong Kong Island. The site was chosen due to its proximity to residential areas and its steep terrain that allowed rainwater to flow into the reservoir more effectively. Owing to a limited budget, the storage of the reservoir could only sustain the residents of Hong Kong Island for four days at that time. Therefore, between 1866 and 1877, the government expanded the reservoir several times, adding a new dam at the north-east of the original one to increase water storage. Both dams of the Pok Fu Lam Reservoir have been preserved to the present.


CACHe · 007E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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