閣麟街唐樓群遺跡 Building Remains at Cochrane Street

鳴謝張朝敦先生提供照片。 Photos courtesy of Mr Charlton Cheung.





CACHe · 005C


CACHe · 005M

While riding on the Mid-Levels escalator, do you see below you some old walls that are surrounded by wire fencing? Built of blue brick and granite stone, these walls are the oldest house remains in Hong Kong that belong to ten tenement houses constructed between 1879 and 1880. To prevent the spread of the bubonic plague, the government enacted laws that required a sanitary lane to be built behind buildings that were erected after 1903. These old walls became the remnants of one of the few remaining back-to-back building structures in Hong Kong.

The legendary Chinese woman Ng Akew was a resident of one of these tenement houses. Her identity as a ‘protected woman’ at that time revealed the story of Gutzlaff Street—popularly known as ‘Red-haired Dame Street’—and speaks about the culture of early Hong Kong as a multicultural city inhabited by Chinese and Westerners.

The Urban Renewal Authority is planning to preserve part of the remains and build a museum to exhibit the architecture of old tenement houses and the lives of people who resided there.

CACHe · 005E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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