西約方便所 Western Public Dispensary





CACHe · 003C


CACHe · 003M

Grading: Grade 2

Next to the conspicuous Old Tsan Yuk Maternity Hospital is a small white house, which is relatively less obtrusive. It is the site of the Western Public Dispensary. Built and completed in 1909, the dispensary was one of the experimental projects launched by the Hong Kong government during the outbreak of the bubonic plague, as an effort to increase medical facilities and contain the spread of the plague.

The Western Public Dispensary is a two-storey building constructed of red brick, with a façade painted in white. It received patients with bubonic plague, providing them with in-patient services and medicine treatment. Behind the small white house is a stone cottage that was used as a mortuary and has been preserved until this day. As the plague started to come under control in the 1930s, the first floor of the dispensary became the nursing dormitory of the neighbouring Old Tsan Yuk Maternity Hospital, which needed space for expansion at the time. The small white house is now used as the office of the Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage.

CACHe · 003E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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