[代宣傳] “水‧集 The WATER Collection”展覽開幕暨分享會 Exhibition Opening Ceremony & Presentation
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水•集I The WATER Collection




香港開埠早期,食水資源貧乏。1860 年代,當時的英國殖民政府有見及此,決定興建水塘,取址薄扶林,並興建半山輸水道(即現在干德道),利用地心吸力把食水送到中環地區。



我們這個大地藝術創作項目,《The WATER Collection I 水 · 集》,就是希望透過大地藝術以揭示香港第一代的水務系統的設計怎樣與自然環境融和。



Human activities have been shaping the landscape through history, for survival, for cultural pursuit, and for development of cities.

When a city was established, proximity to fresh water supply was vital for its survival. In old cities, the sophisticated system of fresh water collection, transport, storage, and distribution, demonstrated the early settlers’ pursuit of harmonious co-existence with nature, to take good care and make well use of the natural resource – water – in a sustainable way.

Thorough understanding of the natural world was evident in the creation of the historic waterworks, of how the earlier settlers accommodated the natural landscapes but yet finding ways to source and manage fresh water supply, in the days with limited technology.

In the early days of Hong Kong, we had limited fresh water supply. The British colonial government commissioned to construct the Pokfulam Reservoir and Conduit in the 1860s, relying on gravity to transport water from Pokfulam to the Central area. The TaiTam Reservoir and Bowen Aqueduct were then built in 1880s to provide for the then-expanding city, transforming the tranquil hillside of the city for the purpose fresh water supply. The way that the early settlers had shaped the landscapes of the Hong Kong countryside in order to sustain fresh water for the city is still evident nowadays, though many parts are already in disuse as we purchase water from China’s Dongjiang.

This project, “The WATER Collection I水•集”, aims to reveal how the old waterworks systems work with the natural landscape of Hong Kong, through expression in land art.

The tension, integration, sacrifice, and co-existence, between human and nature, through the manifestation of the old waterworks, will be explored through the trajectories of 1) commodification of the natural element of water, 2) human’s sensitivity and connotation with sounds of water, 3) use of materials for the construction and operation of the waterworks infrastructure, and 4) forgotten changes in the natural landscapes by historic waterworks.


開幕暨分享會Opening Ceremony & Presentation

日期Date : 2015/11/28

時間 Time: 11:00-13:00

地點 Venue: 長春社文化古蹟資源中心 香港西營盤西邊街36A後座CACHe@Annex Block, 36A Western Street, Sai Ying Pun


展覽 Exhibition

日期Date : 2015/11/28 – 2015/12/12

時間Opening Hours: 星期二至六 Tuesday – Saturday, 10:00 – 13:00, 14:00-18:00 (星期日、一及公眾假期休息Closed on Sundays, Monday and Public Holidays)

展覽地點Venue: 長春社文化古蹟資源中心 香港西營盤西邊街36A後座CACHe@Annex Block, 36A Western Street, Sai Ying Pun


大潭水務景觀導賞團 Guided-Tour: TaiTam Waterworks Landscape

日期Date : 2015/11/29

時間 Time: 09:00-13:00

地點 Venue: 大潭(上)水塘TaiTam (Upper) Reservoir

報名 Sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1tnZnLilQroXqsPqSCDseINW7mmzDb4UOrYwVywXLPmc/viewform?usp=send_form


“The WATER Collection I水•集” 屬於 “Shaping the Landscape|塑造大地” 系列工作坊及展覽的一部份。塑造大地系列始於二零一一年,策展人為香港大學園境建築學部助理教授麥詠詩女士。在過去幾年,系列曾於薄扶林、鯉魚門、林村、荔枝窩等地創作大地藝術作品。

今年“The WATER Collection I水•集” 的籌辦組織支持包括:

主辦單位:香港大學建築學院及香港大學核心課程 ;

體驗學習贊助:何耀棣體驗學習中心 ;



The WATER Collection I水•集” is part of the “Shaping the Landscape I 塑造大地” Land Art Workshop + Exhibition Series. Curated by Ms Vincci Mak, Assistant Professor at the Division of Landscape Architecture at HKU’s Faculty of Architecture, the “Shaping the Landscape” Series was established since 2011. The Series has created land art works in Pok Fu Lam, Lei Yue Mun, Lam Tsuen, and Lai Chi Wo before. This year’s “The WATER Collection I水•集” is conceived with the following supports:

Organizers:  HKU Faculty of Architecture and HKU Common Core Curriculum;

Experiential Learning Sponsor: HKU Gallant Ho Experiential Learning Centre;

Venue Sponsor: CACHe (Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage)


相關網站Project Links

「塑造大地」課程網站HKU “Shaping the Landscape” Course Website:


課程面書專頁“Shaping the Landscape” Facebook FanPage:


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