西營盤歷史文化徑/ 傳統行業與街舖


Because of its convenient location, Sai Ying Pun was once a very vibrant trading port and a lot of traditional industries used to gather here.  Among them were rice godowns and salted fish stalls, the main food suppliers for the Chinese; tea merchants; and also Nam Pak Hong, which traded goods between China and South-East Asia.  The brisk commercial activities in the area attracted a lot of people to live and work here.  As a result, various handicraft industries and grocery stores sprang into existence on the streets and lanes, as well as large-scale warehouses and company offices on the main streets.


  1. 友記理髮 Yau Kee
  2. 四海數碼激光沖印 Four Sea Digital Imaging CD/VCD/DVD
  3. 熱帶魚水族 Tropical Fish Aquarium
  4. 先進鐘錶行 Modern Watch Co.
  5. 正佳鞋 Very Good Trading Co.
  6. 德昌森記蒸籠 Tuck Chong Sum Kee Bamboo Steamer Co.
  7. 伍惠記 Ng Wai Kee
  8. 希路眼鏡公司 Heyro Optical Company
  9. 關興記 Kwan Hing Kee
  10. 齒來香蛋卷 Arona Egg Roll Cake Shop

西營盤歷史文化徑首頁 Sai Ying Pun Heritage Trail/ Main Page

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