西營盤歷史文化徑/ 聖類斯中學

第八站/ 聖類斯中學

Eighth Station/ St. Louis School


Address/179 Third Street



St. Louis School was originally founded as the West Point Reformatory in 1863 to accommodate destitute street children, where they were taught carpentry, sewing and shoemaking as valuable skills to earn a living.  In 1927, the management of the reformatory was handed over to the Salesians of Don Bosco.  Subsequent to this, it was transformed from a vocational school to a grammar school, while the vocational training section relocated to what it is now the Aberdeen Technical School (formerly known as Aberdeen Trade School).

What is unique about the school is its east gate, which lies at an angle of 45 degrees on the juncture of Third Street and Kwong Fung Lane.  Built in a simple geometric structure with characteristics of the functionalist style of architecture, the building possesses considerable aesthetic value which grants itself II grading in Hong Kong Historic Building list.


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