西營盤歷史文化徑/ 聖安多尼堂及聖安多尼學校

第七站/ 聖安多尼堂及聖安多尼學校

Seventh Station/ St. Anthony’s Church & St. Anthony’s School

地址/ 薄扶林道69號A

Address/ 69A Pokfulam Road

相對基督教教會,天主教教會較晚期進入西營盤發展,因此天主教堂普遍座落於西營盤的邊緣位置。聖安多尼堂原位於英皇書院地段,因1921年政府收地之故,遂遷至第三街聖類斯工藝院內繼續進行教會事奉。1933年原計劃於旁邊建設主堂,但因受戰爭影響而延至1953年才落成。直至 1963年,「聖安多尼堂小學」在主堂與聖類斯中學之間的空地正式誕生(現為二級歷史建築)。

聖安多尼堂最大特色,是從戰後開始、每年十一月舉行「聖體出遊傳福音」巡遊禮,當中更包含舞獅和福音粵曲等「本地」表演元素;而 2004年開始規模更見盛大,巡遊隊伍沿山道、皇后大道西一直走到堅尼地城,非常熱鬧。


Catholic Churches entered Sai Ying Pun later than the Protestant counterparts, and as a result Catholic churches are generally situated at the edge of Sai Ying Pun.

St. Anthony’s Church was formerly located in the site of King’s College. When its original site was resumed by the government, it moved into St. Louis Industrial School on Third Street to continue its services. In 1933, plans to build a main hall for the church next to St. Louis Industrial School were proposed. It was, forever, not completed until 1953 because of the war. Following this, in 1963, St. Anthony’s Primary School was erected between the main hall and St. Louis School, which is now a grade II historic building in Hong Kong.

What is most special about St. Anthony’s Church is that it holds a parade for the Eucharistic Procession for evangelical purposes every November. The parade includes local cultural performances like the lion dance and Christmas carols in the form of Cantonese opera. In 2014, the parade was more magnificent than ever as it marched from Hill Road and Queen’s Road West to Kennedy Town.


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上一站/ 聖士提反堂中學 Previous Station/ St. Stephen’s Church College

下一站/ 聖類斯中學 Next Station/ St. Louis School

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