西營盤歷史文化徑/ 明愛凌月仙幼稚園

第九站/ 明愛凌月仙幼稚園

Ninth Station/ Caritas Ling Yuet Sin Kindergarten

地址/ 薄扶林道54號

Address/ 54 Pokfulam Road



Caritas Ling Yuet Sin Kindergarten was previously a boarding school established by the Canossian Daughters of Charity in 1893, later to become an orphanage in 1907.  At that time, many children, mostly girls, were orphaned because of illness.  Due to their condition they were hospitalised in the orphanage, and only upon recovery were they transferred to the Girls’ Home, an institute which cared for young girls. 

With a donation from businessman Mr. Li Po Chun, the orphanage was rebuilt in 1949 – a four-storey building equipped with medical facilities.  The new building was named ‘Ling Yuet Sin Infants’ Home’ after Mr. Li’s stepmother, Ms. Ling Yuet Sin, and it was here that day care and medical services were provided for children.  One can find the original plaque that remains intact on the wall to this day.

In 1968, because of a decrease in the number of orphans, the orphanage was converted to a kindergarten and merged with the Sacred Heart Canossian Kindergarten, forming the new Ling Yuet Sin Canossian Kindergarten.  Since 1993, after the Canossian Daughters of Charity opened a new campus for its kindergarten on Caine Road, Ling Yuet Sin Kindergarten has remained on the present site, managed by the Caritas organisation.


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