西營盤歷史文化徑/ 性病醫院、國家醫院


The Ninth Station/ Lock Hospital and Government Civil Hospital

現今的「西營盤賽馬會分科診所」是昔日香港性病醫院及國家醫院所在地。香港開埠後作為貿易港,吸引大量商船來港停靠,娼妓行業因此應運而生,為海員提供性服務。因此與其他殖民地一樣,港英政府在西營盤設立一所「性病醫院」(所有殖民地性病醫院統稱為Lock Hospital),為染上性病的海員或妓女提供治療,同時政府亦規定妓女需定期驗身,以舒緩性病傳播的問題。

國家醫院是全港首間公立政府醫院,原於1848年在中環成立,經過數次搬遷,至 1878年荷李活道院舍於火災被燒毀,因此接收了當時性病醫院剛建成的新址營運。基於醫院收費高昂,華人亦不信任西醫,故其服務對象主要為公務員和警務人員。當香港大學於1911年成立,國家醫院成為教學醫院,直至瑪麗醫院於1937年在薄扶林落成後才逐漸退役。之後,建築物分階段重建,包括於1955年落成的「贊育醫院」、1960年的「西營盤賽馬會分科診所」及1980年的「菲臘牙科診所」。


The current site of Sai Ying Pun Jockey Club Polyclinic was once the location of the Hong Kong Lock Hospital and Government Civil Hospital. 

As a major trading port, Hong Kong attracted many merchant ships to dock at its harbours, which in turn gave rise to a vibrant prostitution industry offering sexual services to seamen.  In response, the colonial government founded the Lock Hospital in Sai Ying Pun in order to provide medical care for seamen and local sex workers.  As in similar colonial hospitals of the same name, Lock Hospital provided treatment for venereal diseases.  At the same time, the government stipulated that sex workers should go for check-ups at regular intervals so as to mitigate the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

Government Civil Hospital was the first public hospital in Hong Kong.  After it was first constructed in Central in 1848, the hospital relocated a few times before settling on Hollywood Road.  Tragically, however, it was destroyed in a fire in 1878.  The hospital then accepted the  new site of Lock Hospitalto continue its operation.  Because hospital fees were high and most Chinese did not believe in Western medicine, patients were mainly civil servants and police staff.  When the University of Hong Kong was founded in 1911, the Government Civil Hospital became its teaching facility and research base, until the Queen Mary Hospital was erected in 1937 in Pok Fu Lam.  The building complex was then reconstructed in stages, beginning with Tsan Yuk Hospital, which was completed in 1955; Sai Ying Pun Jockey Club Polyclinic, completed in 1960; and The Prince Philip Dental Clinic, completed most recently in 1980.



Address/ 134 Queen’s Road West, Sai Ying Pun


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上一站/大笪地江湖郎中   Previous Station/ Quack Doctors in the Night Market

下一站/國家醫院院長宿舍、醫生宿舍    Next Station/Residence of the Superintendent of Government Civil Hospital, and Doctors’ Quarters

西營盤歷史文化徑/ 醫療及衛生發展  Sai Ying Pun Heritage Trail – The Development of Medical Services and Public Health

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