西營盤歷史文化徑/ 英皇書院

第二站/ 英皇書院

Second Station/ King’s College

地址/ 般咸道63號A

Address/ 63A Bonham Road

自開埠以來,多間教會在香港發展並開辦學校,因此殖民政府亦在十九世紀中葉開始成立政府學校,透過非宗教的免費教育,提高政府在教育制度上的主導性。政府於1891年在李陞小學現址建立「西營盤學校」,直至1926年撥出般咸道地段,另建新的中學校舍讓學校遷入,但新校舍於1927年被徵用為軍部宿舍,遂延至 1928年學校才正式搬入現址,正式更名為「英皇書院」。書院是屬於愛德華時代的紅磚建築,建有英式庭園及柱廊,為西營盤區的一處特色美景。校舍現時為香港的法定古蹟。

Since becoming a British colony, various missionary societies underwent development and opened schools throughout Hong Kong. In response to this, the colonial government started to establish government-funded schools in the mid-19th century in order to ensure its leading role in Hong Kong’s education policy through the provision of free, non-religious education. The government built the Saiyingpun School on the present site of Li Sing Primary School in 1891. Years

later, in 1926, the government granted a lot on Bonham Road for the construction of a new secondary school.

The new school building, however, was to be commandeered for use as a military camp in 1927, and it was not established until 1928 when it officially opened under the name, ‘King’s College’. The college, a red-brick Edwardian-styled building with an English courtyard and columns, is a beautiful spot in Sai Ying Pun. King’s College is now a declared monument in Hong Kong.


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西營盤歷史文化徑/ 教會及學校發展 Sai Ying Pun Heritage Trail/ The Development of Missionary Societies and Schools

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