非遺情報 ICH Intel












Cheung Chau Jiao Festival was inscribed onto…

.The Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory of Hong Kong
.The Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Hong Kong
.The National List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage


Social practices, rituals and festive events

Intel brief

Jiao Festival is a Taoist thanksgiving ritual to express gratitude to deities and to pray for peace and safety in the area.

The legends say that over a century ago, Cheung Chau was devastated by a plague. In order to protect the islanders from distress, the people of Cheung Chau invited accomplished Buddhist monks and Taoist priests to set up an altar before Pak Tai Temple. They prayed and repented to the deities while comforting the strayed spirits both on land and at sea. The Cheung Chau residents also paraded the streets carrying the statue of Pak Tai. The plague ceased after the ceremony. Since then, the residents of Cheung Chau hold Jiao Festival annually to thank the miracle of Pak Tai. Cheung Chau Jiao Festival is rich in context. It includes paper crafting, bun towers, parade of piu-sik (meaning floating colours) and unicorn dance performance, and ends by spirit assuaging ceremony to pacify wandering ghosts. The Jiao Festival is a holistic representation of the traditional folk customs of Cheung Chau.

ICH tracking

Region: Cheung Chau, Islands District.

Occasion: From the 5th day to the 9th day of the 4th lunar month.


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