《村梭六鄉:兩封信之間的遷徙故事》展覽 ‘Travelling Through Luk Heung: A Tale of Relocation Between Two Letters’ Exhibition
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¹ 由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助、長春社文化古蹟資源中心(CACHe)主辦及策劃。
² 口述歷史書冊將於六鄉學習園地(室內展場)及本中心免費派發,數量有限,先到先得。派發日期將於稍後公佈。

How much weight can two letters carry? Behind the formal relocation notice and the valuable property deed is a piece of Hong Kong history about the largest village relocation since the development of the New Territories in the service of a reservoir construction, an event which has been largely forgotten.

Though now more than half a century old, this village relocation story should not be overlooked. ‘Luk Heung San Tsuen’ is now hidden amidst the 13 five-storey buildings around Plover Cove Road and Kwong Fuk Road in Tai Po. Where there is the new, there is also the old. Consisting of Siu Kau, Tai Kau, Kam Chuk Pai, Wang Ling Tau, Ching Mei and Chung Pui Village, ‘Luk Heung (six villages)’ hailed from the shores of Plover Cove, until its relocation to Tai Po in the 1960s when the government built the Plover Cove Reservoir. Overnight, the humble villagers turned into modern urbanites.

Today, almost all the old Luk Heung villages are submerged in the bottom of the reservoir. However, it was not only the villagers who were affected: The relocation story and the unremarkable daily life, the ups and downs and details of the relocation process that the villagers experienced between the years of 1963–1968, while related to the history of Hong Kong’s water supply, urbanisation of Tai Po, development of the New Territories and the entire urban-rural development of Hong Kong, are left behind and rarely discussed in the public realm.

Following ‘Travelling through Cha Kwo Ling’, ‘Travelling through Luk Heung’, the final episode of ‘Beyond the Village’ Cultural Heritage Scheme¹, will launch in March this year, with the exhibition ‘Travelling Through Luk Heung: A Tale of Relocation Between Two Letters’, and the forthcoming oral history publication Travelling Through Luk Heung: A Recount of the Post-Relocation Living². Focusing on the important stages and memories experienced by Luk Heung, Tai Po, we try to fill up the gaps of history, and present to the public the invisible historical fragments and the forgotten past of the neglected corners of the city.

Starting from 4 March 2023, we welcome you to ‘travel through’ Luk Heung, to think and discuss about the ways to conserve and promote awareness, and pass on the relocation story of Luk Heung.

¹ Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and organised by the Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe).
² The oral history publication will be distributed free of charge in the indoor exhibition space of Luk Heung Campus and in CACHe, available while stock lasts. Release date to be further announced.

© 香港特別行政區政府新聞處 Information Services Department of the Government of the HKSAR

/展覽詳情 Exhibition Details/

/開放日期 Date
2023年3月4日 至 3月22日
4 March to 22 March, 2023

/開放時間 Opening Hours
室內展場於13個指定開放日 中午12時 至 下午6時 開放(逢星期六、日開放時間為上午11時 至 下午6時)
*3月4日之開放時間為下午4時 至 6時
Indoor venue only available on specified dates; 12nn to 6pm (11am to 6pm, every Saturday and Sunday)
*Opening hours on 4 March will be 4pm to 6pm

Free admission. No online registration in advance is required.
Limited capacity on a first come, first served basis for attending the event in person.

/展覽地點 Venue
室內展場 Indoor Venue
Luk Heung Campus, Plover Cove Road, Tai Po

戶外展場 Outdoor Checkpoints

Distributed across Luk Heung San Tsuen in Tai Po, the spots are here for you to explore.

/展覽注意事項 Notices
Chinese and English Bilingual

All ages welcome

為確保觀眾、團隊及職員安全,請於場地內及飲食以外的時間,一直佩戴口罩。詳情請參閱coronavirus.gov.hk 網站瀏覽更多資訊。主辦機構保留更改節目的權利。
For the safety of participants, visitors, artists and staff, please bring your own mask and wear it at all times in the venues, except when consuming food and drinks, and refer to coronavirus.gov.hk for more information. The organiser reserves the right to make changes to the programme without prior notice.

電話:2291 0238
Phone number: 2291 0238
Email: info@cache.org.hk

活動暫未能安排無障礙通道及香港手語傳譯等通達服務。如有其他關於通達服務的查詢,請於活動舉行前最少14天聯絡(2291 0238 / info@cache.org.hk)。
Access Services
Access solutions – including barrier-free designs and Hong Kong Sign interpretation – are currently unavailable for the event. For inquiries about other access services, please contact us with at least 14 days’ advance notice: (2291 0238 /  info@cache.org.hk).

Adverse Weather Arrangements
If a black rainstorm warning or a typhoon signal no. 8 or above is in force three hours before the start of the event, the event will be rescheduled or canceled.

/展覽活動 Events/
Talks, Cultural Day, Oral History Workshops, Tours and more.
Don’t forget to check out our social media pages for further announcements about the extension activities.

/香港賽馬會社區資助計劃 —『村梭』社區文化遺產計劃 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: ‘Beyond the Village’ Cultural Heritage Scheme/


The Scheme is organised by the Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.  The village is the key to studying the history of Hong Kong. It is also the root of different community cultures. As a place that contains villagers’ collective memory, village schools play a significant role in cultural heritage. Starting from village schools and the rural culture, the Scheme will dig deep into villages and their communities. Through various activities including rural culture days, special exhibitions, and training of cultural ambassadors, the Scheme serves to enhance the general public’s understanding of local villages and village schools, and to facilitate urban-rural integration. The Scheme also endeavours to encourage public participation. By engaging all stakeholders of the society in preserving rural history and village school culture, the Scheme enables village folklore to be passed on and strengthens social cohesion.

/長春社文化古蹟資源中心 The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe)/


Established in 2005, The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) is committed to organising different heritage conservation activities. Our mission is to promote the history and culture of Hong Kong, to develop a knowledge exchange platform, and to encourage public engagement in the conservation of community cultural heritage and hence enhance the realisation of their social identities.

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