鹹魚哈密瓜也好好味 Oh Ah E Yeah! Salted Fish with Melon
by朱耀煒 ( 阿朱 ) CHU Yiu Wai, Price
Hong Kong people are very particular about food. We always hear “When it comes to food, it’s important to consider…” factors like the taste, appearance, nutrient, trend and details, to name but a few. However, in my point of view, the popularity of a dish does not necessarily depend on its flavour or nutritional value. It is your feeling that matters how it tastes and how you regard the dish.
鹹魚哈密瓜三食製作Salted Fish & Melon Trio Recipe
材料 Ingredient:
- 鹹魚 1塊 Salted Fish x 1 Piece
- 哈密瓜 1個 Melon x 1
- 茅屋芝士 1盒 Cottage Cheese x 1 Pack
- 黑椒 適量 Black Pepper Appropriate Amount
做法 Method:
- 將的梅香鹹魚切件蒸熟,再放入焗爐用中火焗15-20分鐘至鹹魚乾身
Steam the sliced soft salted fish and put it in oven on medium heat for 15 to 20 minutes until the fish is completely dried off
- 將脆口的鹹魚磨成粉狀或肉鬆狀
Grind the salted fish crisp into form of powder or floss
- 然後將鹹魚放在已切好的哈密瓜上
Lay salted fish on the melon slices
- 第一食:鹹魚伴哈密瓜
First bite: salted fish on the melon
Second bite: salted fish on the melon with Cottage Cheese
Third bite: salted fish on the melon with black pepper
關於 About
朱耀煒 (阿朱) Chu Yiu-wai, Price
2005 年畢業於香港理工大學專業進修學院,獲學士學位,主修應用及媒體藝術。現任香港知專設計學院及香港大學專業進修學院兼職講師、非牟利藝術團體「二二六工程」要員、fishycraft及直竹設計有限公司創作總監。自 2002年始積極參多個藝術展覽,作品主要探索金錢社會與藝術家的關係。近年集中以行為及新媒體作為創作媒介,回應社會、生活與自己。
Graduated at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University SPEED with Bachelor of Arts in Apply and Media Art in 2005. Price Chu is a Part-time lecturer in Hong Kong Design Institute and HKU Space, an active member of the non-profit art group, Project226, and the creative director of A Stroke Design Limited and fishycraft. Since 2002, He has participated in many art exhibitions. His works is exploring the relationship between mammonist and artist. Recently, His artworks mainly explore in performance art and new media art to response the society, life and himself.
聯絡 Contact
Email: chu@pricechu.com