屯門青山紅樓 Hung Lau, Castle Peak, Tuen Mun

鳴謝劉國偉先生提供照片。 Photos courtesy of Mr Lau Kwok Wai.





CACHe · 094C


CACHe · 094M

Grading: Grade 1

In 1901, Li Ki-tong, a follower of Dr Sun Yat-sen, established the Castle Peak Farm in Tuen Mun as a place to store and experiment with firearms, as well as assist the fleeing revolutionaries. Despite being a Grade I historic building, Hung Lau, a structure situated in the farm, was nearly demolished. The building was once declared a monument by the government. According to official documents, after an inspection in 1968, the government estimated that Hung Lau was built about 100 years ago. Other documents quoted Chen Cuifen — the concubine of Sun — saying that the couple met in Hung Lau, and that Sun had resided there when he studied medicine in Hong Kong. In the past, on the “Double Ten Day” every year, the building was hung with blue-sky-white-sun flags. Many people visited the nearby square to commemorate the day.

The walls around Hung Lau and the cottage next to it have been demolished. While the building is in danger of collapse, the government claimed it was unable to confirm Hung Lau as a historic relic from the 1911 Revolution Period, and therefore no conservation plan is in place for the site.

CACHe · 094E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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