聖彌額爾天主教墳場 St Michael’s Catholic Cemetery



墳場以聖彌額爾(Saint Michael the Archangel)命名,聖經記載了他打敗由撒旦化身的魔龍之故事,墳場門樓頂的聖彌額爾雕像身穿戰士裝束,手持長矛刺殺惡龍。門樓旁邊刻上「今夕吾軀歸故土,他朝君體也相同」,有說對聯由一名神父撰寫,悼念1918年馬棚大火;亦有指這是翻譯自拉丁文詩句,提醒眾人珍惜生命。門樓在1970年代因道路工程而移至現時的墳場中央位置。墳場內另有原建於1868年的聖彌額爾小堂,後於1916年重建成現貌。


CACHe · 085C


CACHe · 085M

Grading: Grade 2 (Gateway & St Michael’s Cemetery Chapel)

Established in 1848, St Michael’s Catholic Cemetery has been a burial ground for the city’s Catholics, catechumens, and members of the clergy, including those who came from Ireland with the British colonists, Portuguese immigrants from Macau, as well as Chinese Catholics.

The cemetery is named after Saint Michael the Archangel who, according to the Bible, defeated a dragon that typifies Satan the devil. Above the cemetery entrance is a statue that depicts Saint Michael spearing the evil dragon in warrior attire. The two sides of the entrance are inscribed with a Chinese couplet that says, “as I return to the earth today, so will you in days to come.” Some suggested that the couplet was written by a priest to mourn the 1918 fire at Happy Valley Race Course; others said it was translated from a Latin poem to remind people of the preciousness of life. The entrance gate was moved to the central part of the cemetery due to road construction works in the 1970s. In the cemetery also stands a small chapel. St Michael’s Cemetery Chapel, erected in 1868, was rebuilt in 1916 into its current form.

CACHe · 085E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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