香港墳場 Hong Kong Cemetery


跑馬地一帶有許多墳場,其中最古老的便是香港墳場,早於香港開埠的1841年,已有英軍下葬於此。快活谷(Happy Valley)之稱,便是寓意為逝者的極樂之地。墳場於1845年正式開放,同年興建小教堂供教徒舉行安息禮。早年葬於墳場的有在港英軍、政府官員和傳教士,以洋人為主,後來亦有華人、日本人等。不少名人亦長眠於此,例如華人富商何東爵士、企業大亨遮打爵士、晚清革命烈士楊衢雲等。



CACHe · 084C


CACHe · 084M

Grading: Grade 1 (Chapel)

There are many cemeteries in Happy Valley. The oldest one in the area is the Hong Kong Cemetery, which has, since 1841, served as the final resting place for many, including British soldiers who died in the city during the early days of Hong Kong. It is for this reason that the place is called “Happy Valley” — a name for paradise of the deceased. The cemetery was officially opened in 1845. A chapel was built in the same year as a place for memorial services in the cemetery. Members of the British garrison, government officials, and missionaries were among those buried in the site during the early years. The cemetery later became the burial ground for people of other nationalities including Chinese and Japanese. Many famous people, such as the wealthy Chinese merchant Sir Robert Ho Tung, the Armenian tycoon Sir Paul Chater, and the Chinese revolutionary leader of the late Qing Dynasty Yeung Ku-wan, are also buried here.

The Hong Kong Cemetery takes the form of a garden that provides a scenic and tranquil setting. Inside, a European-style fountain, and a sundial that measures time by the position of the Sun, have more than a hundred years of history. There are also a number of monuments commemorating different historical events.

CACHe · 084E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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