前賈梅士學校 Ex-Portuguese Community School (Escola Camões)



建築原為私人住宅,建於1902至1903年間,於1954 年改建為賈梅士學校,由葡裔團體營運,以葡國愛國詩人賈梅士(Luís Vaz de Camões)之名命名。大門門額有搶眼的名字「Escola Camões」,Escola便是意指學校。學校設有幼稚園和小學,本地葡裔學生佔大多數,亦有不同國籍和本地學生。學校致力傳承葡國文化,設有葡語科、葡語詩朗誦表演、賈梅士日慶祝等。學校在1997年後改由保良局營辦,2012年校舍搬遷後閒置至今。


CACHe · 049C


CACHe · 049M

Grading: Grade 2

Hong Kong has become a free port since its early days as a British colony. Since then, many Portuguese moved to Hong Kong from Macau. Some ran businesses here, and others worked as public officers or translators, gradually forming a community in the city. The Portuguese Community School was an important witness to the development of the Portuguese community in Hong Kong.

Constructed between 1902 and 1903, the building served originally as a private residence, and was converted into the Portuguese Community School in 1954. Run by a Portuguese group, the school was named after Luís Vaz de Camões, a patriotic poet of Portugal. The name plaque at the main entrance was inscribed with the words “Escola Camões”, “escola” means “school” in Portuguese. The school had kindergarten and primary sections. It had a mixture of students of different ethnicities, with the majority being of Portuguese origin. With the mission to pass on Portuguese culture, the school organised Portuguese classes, Portuguese poetry recitals, and ceremonies to celebrate Camões Day. After 1997, Po Leung Kuk took over the operation of the school, which was relocated in 2012 and has been left vacant since then.

CACHe · 049E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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