太子道西190-204、210-212號 No. 190-204, 210-212, Prince Edward Road West


太子道西190-212號原為一列十六幢洋樓群,於1932年興建。洋樓樓高四層,有傳統的中式騎樓設計,又有摩登外型,其中外牆鱗狀裝飾獨特時尚,住客多是中產人士。戰後,其中六幢洋樓拆卸重建,餘下的十幢成了香港現存最大的相連戰前騎樓群。其中190號洋樓更是僅存三幢有長廊式露台的轉角舊樓之一 (3) ,面向園藝街的立面每層都建有歐式公寓設計的相連露台。

洋樓群於日佔時期曾被日軍洗劫一空並強佔;戰後則曾租予英軍作倉庫用,至 1947年才歸還給發展商;至1950年初又租予政府作公務員宿舍,住客於1954年遷出。


(3) 截至2021年的數字。


CACHe · 039C


CACHe · 039M

Grading: Grade 2

Located at 190-212 Prince Edward Road West was a group of sixteen European houses built in 1932. The buildings are all four-storey high, some built as shophouses with overhanging balconies, and others displaying more modern designs, including one that features a facade adorned with scaly elements. Most people living in these buildings were from the middle class. After the war, six of these buildings were demolished and redeveloped. The rest of them form the longest row of pre-war shophouses in Hong Kong. The block situated at 190 Prince Edward Road West is one of only three corner buildings with porch-like balconies left in the city (4). On each floor, there is a veranda that connects different units on the sides of the blocks facing Yuen Ngai Street — a design commonly seen in European apartment buildings.

During the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, these European houses were looted and forcibly occupied by the Japanese troops. After the war, the buildings were let to the British army as warehouses and returned to the developer in 1947. In the early 1950s, they were rented by the government as residences of civil servants, who lived there until 1954 and moved out afterwards.

In 2008, the Urban Renewal Authority began to revitalise these European houses. The florist shops on the ground floor of the buildings have been preserved.

(4) Figures as at 2021.

CACHe · 039E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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