前威菲路軍營 Former Whitfield Barracks


英國於1890年代正式設立九龍半島內第一座軍營,並以當時英軍駐中國、香港和海峽殖民地司令威菲路(Henry Whitfield)少將之名命名。威菲路軍營最初為印裔英兵的軍營,高峰期有多達85座建築物。二戰後,英軍陸續將市區內的軍事用地交還予殖民地政府,包括威菲路軍營。軍營於1967年關閉後曾規劃作商住用途,但最後改建成九龍公園,還地於民。軍營僅存四座舊營房,其中兩座曾為香港歷史博物館臨時館址,現為香港文物探知館。軍營內還保留建於1870年代的九龍西第二號炮台,現為兒童遊樂場,並裝上1980年於尖沙咀地盤內發現的大炮。


CACHe · 037C


CACHe · 037M

Grading: Grade 1 (Block S4, Block S61, Block S62, Block 58 & Kowloon West II Battery)

In the 1890s, the first barracks in the Kowloon Peninsula were built and named after Major General Henry Whitfield, commander of the British troops in China, Hong Kong, and the Straits Settlements. Initially built for the British Indian garrisons in Hong Kong, the Whitfield Barracks contained 85 blocks at its peak. After the Second World War, the British army returned the military sites in the urban areas, including the Whitfield Barracks, to the colonial government. The barracks were closed in 1967 and originally planned for commercial and residential uses. However, the site was rebuilt as Kowloon Park in the end, offering a space for all members of the community. Among the four barrack blocks remaining on the site, two were made the temporary home of the Hong Kong Museum of History, which has now become the Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre. The Kowloon West II Battery in the barracks site, which was built in the 1870s, has been preserved and transformed into a children’s playground. Displayed in the playground is a historical artillery gun recovered in 1980 from a construction site in Tsim Sha Tsui.

CACHe · 037E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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