彌敦道190號 No. 190 Nathan Road



彌敦道190號洋樓有突出的中式騎樓,也是香港目前僅存三幢有長廊式露台的轉角舊樓之一(1) ,面向柯士甸道的立面每層都建有歐式公寓設計的相連露台。由於彌敦道190號位於兩條道路交界,擁有兩面向街的立面,才具有空間去設計長廊式露台。舊樓位處的彌敦道始建於1860年,鄰近洋人住宅區,漸發展成繁盛的街道。1930年代的樓宇設計揉合中、西式建築風格、百花齊放。

(1) 截至2021年的數字。


CACHe · 031C


CACHe · 031M

Grading: Grade 3

Situated at the junction of Nathan Road and Austin Road, the beige and yellow structure at 190 Nathan Road is a four-storey European house, believed to be constructed before 1937. The building functioned mainly as shophouses, but was later renovated for commercial use only.

Featuring Chinese-style balconies, this pre-war structure is one of only three corner buildings with porch-like balconies left in the city (2). On each floor, a veranda connects different units on the side of the block facing Austin Road — a design commonly seen in European apartment buildings. Standing on the corner of two roads, the building has a unique design, with two of its elevations facing the streets. Built in 1860, Nathan Road, which used to be adjacent to the residential area for foreigners, was gradually developed into a busy street. Many buildings of the 1930s incorporated Chinese and Western architectural elements, showing a diversity of building.

(2) Figures as at 2021.

CACHe · 031E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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