舊域多利軍營 Old Victoria Barracks



軍營建築至今只保留不足三分之一,其中稱為旗杆屋的舊三軍司令官邸(Flagstaff House)建於1844年,是香港現存歷史最悠久的西式建築,現為茶具文物館。為人熟悉的紅棉路婚姻登記處原是羅年信樓(Rawlinson House),曾作已婚軍官宿舍和副司令官邸。正義道亦保留了附屬於域多利軍營的軍火庫,曾用作製作及存放彈藥之用,現為亞洲協會香港中心。


CACHe · 028C


CACHe · 028M

Grading: Declared Monument (Flagstaff House); Grade 1 Historic Building (Roberts Block, Cassels Block, Montgomery Block, Rawlinson House, Wavell Block & Former Explosives Magazine); Grade 2 Historic Building (Block GG)

The Old Victoria Barracks, situated on the east of the “Government Hill” and in an area bounded by Cotton Tree Drive and Kennedy Road, were the first barracks built in Hong Kong. Construction of the barracks began in 1843 and was completed in phases. In 1979, the British garrison moved out of the barracks. Part of the land was subsequently converted into Hong Kong Park and Pacific Place.

To date, less than one third of the barracks have been preserved. Among them, the Flagstaff House was built in 1844 as the residence of the Commander of the British Forces. This oldest surviving Western-style building in Hong Kong is now home of the Museum of Tea Ware. The Rawlinson House, previously used as the married quarters for the officers serving in the barracks and later as the residence of the Deputy Commander of the British Army, is now housing the locally known Cotton Tree Drive Marriage Registry. The former Explosives Magazine of the barracks on Justice Drive, which was used for producing and storing ammunition, has also been retained and become the Asia Society Hong Kong Center.

CACHe · 028E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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