赤柱郵政局 Stanley Post Office



時隔多年,郵政局的原貌早不復見,更面對漏水、倒塌危機,險被拆卸,幸時任郵政署長評估後決定保育郵政局,於2007年進行修繕。郵政局於英皇佐治六世(George Rex VI)在位時建成,門前的入牆式紅郵箱和兩邊的白色窗花上都有「GR」徽章,充滿殖民地時代氣息。修繕工程還包括重設原有的人手操作郵票售賣機、拆除假天花以展示屋頂原有木結構、修復水磨石地板等,致力重現古樸氣息。


CACHe · 025C


CACHe · 025M


Grading: Grade 2

When it was first established in 1912, the Stanley Post Office was merely an office in the Stanley Police Station that provided postal services. It was only until 1937 that the office was relocated to the current site and became a branch office. The Stanley Post Office is the oldest post office in Hong Kong that is still in service.

As years went on, the post office building began to deteriorate and suffer from water leakage. Facing danger of collapse, it was nearly demolished at one time. Fortunately, after being assessed by the then Postmaster General, the post office was placed under conservation and subsequently renovated in 2007. Completed during the reign of King George Rex VI, the building is a colonial-style structure, featuring at its front door a red post box built into the wall, and ornamental window grilles with the “GR” insignia. The renovation — which included the reinstallation of the manual stamp vending machine, the removal of false ceilings to reveal the wooden roof structure, and the restoration of the terrazzo floor — was an effort to reconstruct the original appearance of the historical building.

CACHe · 025E


「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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