黃泥涌峽軍事遺址 Wong Nai Chung Gap Military Site

鳴謝劉國偉先生提供照片。 Photos courtesy of Mr Lau Kwok Wai.



眼前的兩座磚屋正是當時港島西旅的指揮總部,附近還保留了彈藥庫、機槍堡等設備。當時日軍圍困指揮部,守軍苦待援軍無果,負責指揮西旅的羅遜准將(John Lawson)向總部表示「我將出去戰至最後」(I am going outside to fight it out),便破壞重要文件和通訊設備,率領同袍突圍。可惜,羅遜甫跑出便遇上日軍掃射而陣亡,現長眠於西灣國殤紀念墳場。黃泥涌峽一役還有一百多名從加拿大倉皇赴港作戰的軍人犧牲。


CACHe · 015C


CACHe · 015M

Grading: Grade 2

Located in the centre of Hong Kong Island connecting various parts of the city, Wong Nai Chung Gap was of great strategic value during the Second World War. A fierce battle was fought here when Japanese invaded Hong Kong in 1941. The defence troops fought against the Japanese army for 16 hours in what was known as the most intense fight in the Battle of Hong Kong.

The two brick houses in front of you were the West Brigade Headquarters. Other structures including magazines and pillboxes have also been preserved on the site. During the war, the headquarters were surrounded by the Japanese army. The defence force waited for the auxiliary troops, but in vain. Canadian Brigadier John Lawson, commander of the West Brigade, radioed his commanders and said, “I am going outside to fight it out.” After destroying all important documents and communication devices, he led his comrades out of the bunker in an attempt to break the siege. However, as soon as he went out, he was killed under the guns of the Japanese army. Laid to rest in the Sai Wan War Cemetery, Lawson was one of over a hundred Canadian soldiers who sacrificed their lives in the Wong Nai Chung Gap battle.

CACHe · 015E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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