和平紀念碑 The Cenotaph



紀念碑於1923年豎立,其設計參考倫敦白廳的戰爭紀念碑,紀念碑的兩旁和頂部共有三個石花圈裝飾,以紀念死難者和軍人。碑上刻着「The Glorious Dead」和第一次世界大戰的年份。經歷二戰後,殖民地政府再於碑上刻上二戰年份和「英魂不朽 浩氣長存」,紀念死難者。



CACHe · 012C


CACHe · 012M

Grading: Declared Monument

Surrounded by the skyscrapers in Central, the Cenotaph stands solemnly on a wide and spacious lawn.

Erected in 1923, the Cenotaph is decorated by wreaths carved in stone on the top and its two sides. Resembling the war memorial in Whitehall of London, the Cenotaph commemorates soldiers and civilians who lost their lives in the First World War. The Cenotaph was initially inscribed with the words “The Glorious Dead” and the years of the First World War. The years of the Second World War were subsequently added after. And then in the 1980s, Chinese characters of the phrase “May their martyred souls be immortal, and their noble spirits endure” were craved to the Cenotaph, making it clear that the war memorial commemorates all who fell in the defense of Hong Kong.

Before the handover of Hong Kong to China, annual ceremonies were held by the government at the Cenotaph on Liberation Day to commemorate Hong Kong’s liberation from Japanese occupation in 1945. Till today, every November, some people still lay wreaths and offer prayers at the site to commemorate the event.

CACHe · 012E

「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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