舊贊育醫院 Old Tsan Yuk Maternity Hospital


來到西邊街,首先映入眼簾的就是這座以紅磚、麻石建成的舊贊育醫院。1919年,首位到港的女西醫克寧醫生(Dr. Alice D. Hickling)眼見當時嬰兒夭折率甚高,便致力成立一所提供西醫接生服務的婦產醫院。舊贊育醫院於1922年落成啟用,專門培訓華人助產士,只要工作滿四年便可以到私家醫院執業。婦產服務廣受歡迎,最忙碌時試過一張床位服務兩位孕婦!



CACHe · 002C


CACHe · 002M


Grading: Grade 1

Walking on Western Street, the first thing that comes into view is the Old Tsan Yuk Maternity Hospital, a historical structure built of red brick and granite. In 1919, Dr. Alice D. Hickling, the first woman doctor to come to Hong Kong, noticed the city’s high infant mortality rate and sought to establish a maternity hospital that provides labour and delivery services from the Western medicine approach. Dedicated to the training of Chinese midwives, the Old Tsan Yuk Maternity Hospital was completed and opened in 1922. Midwives who had finished the training and worked for the hospital for four years were granted the right to practise in private hospitals. There was a high demand for the obstetric services provided by the Old Tsan Yuk Maternity Hospital. At its peak time, two pregnant women had to share one bed!

To cope with the great demand, the hospital added one storey to the building during the 1930s and moved its nursing dormitory to the first floor of the Western Public Dispensary next door. In 1955, the hospital was relocated to Hospital Road and the original structure was used as the site of Tsan Yuk Social Service Centre, which was renamed the Western District Community Centre in 1974.

CACHe · 002E


「『古蹟留聲機』- 細聽100個香港古蹟小故事」計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助。
The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.

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