《村梭深井:回憶紀行》展覽 ‘Travelling through Sham Tseng: Journey of Memories’ Exhibition
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時間流轉,村落歷史中大大小小的細節,由不同村民的記憶定格保存,跨過時效。由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,長春社文化古蹟資源中心(CACHe) 今年展開「『村梭』社區文化遺產計劃」,並特別策劃《村梭深井︰回憶紀行》展覽。透過展覽,CACHe團隊將以村民的回憶作嚮導,與大家穿梭尋常卻陌生的村落日常,填補對深井既定印象以外的一抹空白。展覽場地更將散落於深井不同地方,靜候你來發掘,當一天深井的歷史旅人。

Whenever Sham Tseng is mentioned, gourmets might think of the delicious roast goose, and hikers might recall the beauty of the nature when they walk on the ancient trails. However, Sham Tseng is more than these. Do you have any idea of the following scenery in Sham Tseng? A Hakka village with a history of several hundred years surrounded by greenery. And beyond the Castle Peak Road outside the village, there is a totally different scene formed by chimneys of factories. The industrial era that belonged to Sham Tseng was not cold and distant at all. On the contrary, it was merged into the lives of the villagers and added depth to the culture of Sham Tseng. In Sham Tseng, the harmony between city and village and the integration of Hakka and Chiu Chow culture compose the stories of villages that only exist here.

As time goes by, various details in the history of the villages are preserved in the memories of different villagers. These memories are not destroyed by time. Sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) launched ‘”Beyond the Village” Cultural Heritage Scheme’ this year. The exhibition ‘Travelling Through Sham Tseng: Journey of Memories’ is specially curated. Through the exhibition, the team of CACHe would take the memories of the villagers as your guide, and travel through the daily lives in the village that was ordinary but unfamiliar with you so that what is unknown other than the established impression can be unfolded. The venues of the exhibition would be set up in different places in Sham Tseng. You are invited to explore all these by becoming travellers through the history of Sham Tseng for one day.

展覽詳情 Exhibition Details

/開放日期 Date
3月20日 至 4月10日
30 March to 10 April

/時間 Opening Hours

指定日子開放 下午二時至下午六時 (只限已預約人士參觀)
Only available on specified dates; 2 pm to 6 pm (For registered visitors only)

/收費 Fee
全免 Free of charge

/展覽地點 Exhibition Venue

室內展場 Indoor Venue
新界荃灣深井深康路40號深井青年中心* 及 深康路13號深井潮州街坊福利會
Sham Tseng Youth Centre*, 40 Sham Hong Road  &  13 Sham Hong Road @ Sham Tseng, New Territories

*The exhibition venue of Sham Tseng Youth Centre is located on the G/F, 1/F and roof-top of the building. Visitors have to climb up stairs to access the venue.

戶外展場 Outdoor Checkpoints

Outdoor Checkpoint are distributed across Sham Tseng. You are invited to explore all these.

/展覽參觀辦法 Exhibition Enrollment  


  • 所有公眾人士均須預先透過展場預約系統(請按此)進行預約。

  • 展場將實施人數限制。

  • 星期六、日及公眾假期將設有每天兩個「展場導賞及自由參觀」時段(90分鐘,只限粵語)及四個「自由參觀」時段(60分鐘)。

  • 其他開放日每天設有四個「自由參觀」時段(60分鐘)。

  • 每位參觀者均必須佩戴口罩,並於進場前按職員指示量度體溫及使用搓手液消毒雙手。如發現參觀者發燒,職員有權拒絕進入展場。


To reduce social contact, crowd management measures will be implemented in the exhibition:

  • All visitors are requested to make an appointment in advance through the registration system. (Please click here)

  • The number of visitors will be restricted.

  • For Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, there will be two sessions of “Guided Tour & Visit” (90 mins, in Cantonese only) and four sessions of “Visit Only” (60 mins).

  • For other days, there will be four sessions of “Visit Only” (60 mins).

  • All visitors are requested to wear masks, undergo a body temperature check and use an alcohol-based handrub before admission. Those with fever or flu-like symptoms will not be allowed to enter the exhibition.

/ 香港賽馬會社區資助計劃 —『村梭』社區文化遺產計劃
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: ‘Beyond the Village’ Cultural Heritage Scheme


The Scheme is organised by the Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.  The village is the key to studying the history of Hong Kong. It is also the root of different community cultures. As a place that contains villagers’ collective memory, village schools play a significant role in cultural heritage. Starting from village schools and the rural culture, the Scheme will dig deep into villages and their communities. Through various activities including rural culture days, special exhibitions, and training of cultural ambassadors, the Scheme serves to enhance the general public’s understanding of local villages and village schools, and to facilitate urban-rural integration. The Scheme also endeavours to encourage public participation. By engaging all stakeholders of the society in preserving rural history and village school culture, the Scheme enables village folklore to be passed on and strengthens social cohesion.

/ 長春社文化古蹟資源中心

The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe)


Established in 2005, The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) is committed to organising different heritage conservation activities. Our mission is to promote the history and culture of Hong Kong, to develop a knowledge exchange platform, and to encourage public engagement in the conservation of community cultural heritage and hence enhance the realisation of their social identities.

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