城市字海 – 香港城市景觀研究 Typography and the Sea of Words – a Study of Hong Kong Urban Landscape
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過去二十多年,單一又急促的城市發展及相關政策收緊等,都令街道上的文字越見疏落,形態亦漸趨單一。在城市字海正逐漸消失,城市景觀失去香港美學之際,長春社文化古蹟資源中心(CACHe)策劃了「城市字海 – 香港城市景觀研究」,以城市裡的文字作為重心,透過出版及展覽勾勒出相關的歷史與文化生態,檢視城市字海的構成,探討保育城市景觀的可能性。

Hong Kong is known to be a dense city swarmed with a sea of words – shop signs, trademarks, street nameplates, advertisement posters as well as announcements are visible everywhere midst the street, buildings and alleys. The calligraphic style, the medium on which the typography is presented and the craftsmanship are the indispensable parts to the local urban aesthetics, which reflect the cultural and historical importance of Hong Kong.

Over the past 20 years, the rapid and monotonous urban development has been leading to the diminishment of street calligraphy. In view of the fading sea of words as well as the consequently barren urban landscape, “Typography and the Sea of Words – Study of Hong Kong Urban Landscape”, curated by Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe), puts the focus on the urban calligraphy. Through an exhibition and a publication, stories are told about the historical and cultural significances of street typology, how the sea of words was thriving in the past and the exploration for conservation on urban landscape.

城市字海 – 香港文字景觀展覽

Typography and the Sea of Words – an Exhibition of Hong Kong Wordscape

展覽地點: 長春社文化古蹟資源中心 香港西營盤西邊街36A後座
Exhibition Venue: CACHe @ Annex Block, 36A Western Street, Sai Ying Pun

展覽開幕: 2017年2月18日15:00
Exhibition Opening: 15:00, 18 February 2017

展覽日期: 2017年2月18日 至 4月1日
Date: 18 February 2017 to 1 April 2017

展覽時間: 星期二至六 上午十時至下午一時;下午二時至下午六時(星期日、一及公眾假期休息)
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 1pm, 2pm to 6pm (Closed on Sundays, Mondays and Public Holidays)


時間:15:30 / 16:30 出發
名額:每團20人 (現場集合,先到先得)


香港賽馬會社區資助計劃 — 社區文化遺產保育計劃
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Community Cultural Heritage Plus


This project is funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and organised by the Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage. The project includes a series of programmes to promote heritage conservation. Through the strengthening of public understanding on domestic history and community cultural heritage, every stakeholder can foster their local identity and community cohesion and hence participate in the conservation of community heritages. Launched in 2005, HKJC Community Project Grant provided their partners with grants in three-year cycles, in order to deliver appropriate community services and support the underprivileged.


The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe)



Established in 2005, The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) is committed to organising different heritage conservation activities. Our mission is to promote the history and culture of Hong Kong, to develop a knowledge exchange platform, and to encourage public engagement in the conservation of community cultural heritage and hence enhance the realisation of their social identities.





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