重聚啓德 – 啓德機場歷史圖片展 Kai Tak Reunion – Kai Tak Airport Historical Photo Exhibition
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啓德機場關閉至今已經超過十五年,機場原址已開展了啓德發展計劃,為該區及香港帶來新的面貌及景象。舊啓德機場跑道亦發展為可停泊全球最大客輪的新郵輪碼頭,繼承啓德機場作為香港對外的窗口,繼續為香港服務。在這新舊交替的過程中,長春社文化古蹟資源中心聯同航空歷史圖片收藏家吳邦謀先生舉辦「重聚啓德 – 啓德機場歷史圖片展」,與大家在啟德裡重聚,回顧啓德機場的發展歷史,並重溫在機場大堂裡的時代故事。


Hong Kong Kai Tak International Airport had served Hong Kong for more than 71 years from 1927 to 1998. Over the years, it had experienced numerous historical events and hosted countless celebrities. The densely residential environment of Kowloon City and the adventurous landscape around the airport had left passengers with great impression. For HongKongers, the busy airport traffics, the limitless flowing of people and goods were all evidence of Hong Kong’s prosperous economy. The airport’s departure and arrival hall once recorded many stories of sorrowful partings, joyous reunions, and fond memories of the era.


Hong Kong Kai Tak International Airport had closed down for over 15 years. Development plan has been carried out at the original site to give the area a new look and new life. The former runway is also developed a world class cruise terminal to berth the world’s largest cruise. It will continue to serve the duty of old Kai Tak as the gateway to the world. In this process of transformation where the old and the new intertwined, The Conservancy Association Center for Heritage has invited the photo collector of aviation history, Mr. James Ng to present to you an exhibition “Kai Tak Reunion–Kai Tak Airport Historical Photo Exhibition”and invite you to reminisce stories at the airport halls of that bygone era.


展覽地點: 長春社文化古蹟資源中心 香港西營盤西邊街36A後座

Venue: CACHe@Annex Block, 36A Western Street, Sai Ying Pun

日期Date : 2013/11/16 – 2014/1/18

Time: Tuesday – Saturday, 10am – 1pm 2pm – 6pm

時間Opening Hours: 星期二至六 Tuesday – Saturday, 10am – 6pm

星期日、一及公眾假期休息Closed on Sundays, Monday and Public Holidays




Embracing Heritage – Jockey Club Community Cultural Heritage Programme

This project is supported by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage is organizing a series of programmes to promote heritage conservation. This project aims to strengthen public understanding on our history and our community cultural heritage, so that every stakeholder can enjoy and involve in conservation activities that enhance local identity and community cohesion.




 The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage

The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage started service in 2005, dedicated to promote conservation of cultural heritage and to pass on traditions through education. In 2007, the center has received support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to organize a number of educational and community involvement activities, hoping to encourage public participation in cultural conservation work.

展覽收藏家: 吳邦謀先生Item Collector: Mr. James Ng


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