初夏已臨,整個城市充滿生氣和春天的氣息。同時,有見雨季風季即將來臨,我們特別邀請天文台台長岑智明先生與一眾收藏家,推出「風波裡的香港 – 香港颱風歷史圖片展」,透過逾百張珍貴歷史圖片及藏品,展示昔日颱風肆虐香港的情況,讓我們重新反思現今城市生活與自然災害的關係,並在風季來臨前作好禦防準備。
I am an architect practicing in Hong Kong and my interest falls on public space, promenade and local historical sites. I am writing to express my interest on your upcoming events and I realize the programs could reach its maximum capacity easily.
Please advise how I should register your upcoming event, including if any means I could receive your e-newsletter?
I am also interested in your event below I wonder If there is a waiting list for this event?
堅尼地城社區導賞團 (2017年11月18日 星期六)
Many thanks
Ivan Wong