
東涌炮台 Tung Chung Fort




Lantau Island was an important point of coastal defence in the Pearl River estuary, a major thoroughfare for vessels passing into and out of Guangzhou. During the Qing Dynasty, the Qing government constructed a line of forts at Tung Chung Hou to defend against pirates and the British. In 1832, the Tung Chung Battalion was built to prevent British traders from smuggling. There were soldiers stationing at the Tung Chung Fort, which was built with batteries, barracks, and other facilities. The site was also known as the Tung Chung Walled City.

The walls of the fort, built of granite, were about three metres in height. There are three arched entrance gateways. At the north gate, there is a gate tower with a battery of six cannons, which are, nevertheless, different from the original ones mounted on the site. The two barracks situated at the central square of the walled city have been preserved. After the Qing soldiers were evacuated from the fort in 1898, the site has been used as a police station as well as the campus of Wa Ying College and the Tung Chung Public School.



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