免費索取《尋水誌——香港水資源的歷史見證》 Free Distribution: Chronicling the Quest for Water: A Testament of Hong Kong’s Running Water
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繼2020 年CACHe策劃《水展》後,承蒙衛奕信勳爵文物信託捐助,本書得以將當年展覽的研究文章重新整理、編輯成書岀版,回溯香港的自來水到底從何而來,呈現官方政策與民間各界如何尋水、逐水。本書期望讓這些水資源故事得以記錄及流轉,並一同思考未來我們應該如何捉緊這重要的生命之源。全書中英對照,收錄珍貴歷史圖片和舊報導,歡迎公眾免費索取,了解香港水資源的發展。數量有限,派完即止。

We use water every day. Have you ever noticed where all this water comes from? Since ancient times, humans have inhabited places close to water resources. Water is critical for all forms of life and the water supply system is closely linked to urbanisation of a place. Why are there so many reservoirs in Hong Kong? Why can Hong Kong people enjoy a lower water rate compared to other well-off cities? What are the ‘seven tiers of water rationing’? For what reason did the Hong Kong government decide to shift its policy from seeking autonomy of water supplies to purchasing water from beyond the city? Although the supply of imported water has been stable in Hong Kong over the years, the world is now facing water scarcity. How can Hong Kong survive fierce competition for natural resources in the near future?

Thanks to a funding from The Lord Wilson Heritage Trust, research articles from the Water Exhibition in 2020 are being edited and compiled into a book for publication. It is to retrace the history of Hong Kong’s running water and retells the stories of how public policy and different sectors in the society searched and competed for water resources. The book aims to record the anecdotes of water resources in Hong Kong and to keep the stories alive, hoping readers will be able to think about how we should grasp the source of life in the near future. Printed with valuable historical images and news clippings, this bilingual book telling the stories of Hong Kong’s Running Water can be obtained free of charge at CACHe while quantities last.


  • 前言

  • 見證1 : 水塘 | 持續經年的本地儲水工程

  • 見證2 : 水錶 |    供水收費的歷史見證人

  • 見證3 : 水桶 |    傳說中的七級制水令

  • 見證4 : 水船 |    民間賣水業的黃金時期

  • 見證5 : 水管 |    供水自主: 領先全球但曇花一現的海水化淡大計
    購水輸港: 東江水的前世今生

  • 番外篇: 花灑 |   澡堂: 早期香港的公共衛生課
    玩水 : 水曾發揮的文娛功能



    Years of Engineering Projects That Conserve Water for Hong Kong
    Reservoirs That Were Stillborn

    Witnesses to the History of Charging for Water Supply
    The Evolution of One Hong Kong, Two Systems

    The So-called Seven Tiers of Water Rationing
    Searching for Water Amid the Emergency Regulations Ordinance

    The Golden Age of Water Trading Business
    The Survival and Profitability of Government and Enterprises in Times of Water Crisis
    The Life of a Wage Earner Suffering from Water Shortage
    Seeking for Emergency Aid from Beyond the City

    Water Supply Autonomy: The World’s Leading but Ephemeral Desalination Project
    Purchasing Water for Hong Kong: The Past and Present of Dongjiang water

    The Bathhouse: A Public Health Lesson in the Early Days of Hong Kong
    Water Play: The Cultural and RecreationalFunctions That Water Once Served

/免費索取 Available for Free/


Chronicling the Quest for Water: A Testament of Hong Kong’s Running Water can be obtained in person at The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) during office hours (Tue to Sat; 10am to 6pm). One book per person is available on a first come, first served basis.


Our service will be adjusted in order to meet operational needs, book distribution by post is not available now.

/電子下載 E-version/


本計劃由衞奕信勳爵文物信託資助 The project is supported by Lord Wilson Heritage Trust.





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