新德明粉麵廠 Tak Ming Noodles Factory


開業歷史: 1957

業務: 粉麵廠

商品: 生麵,亁麵,米粉,河粉

地址: 深水埗基隆街254號地下





/Tak Ming Noodles Factory

Timeline: Since 1957

Business Type: Rice noodles and noodles factory

Products: Fresh noodles, Dry noodle-cakes, vermicelli, Flat rice noodles

Address:  G/F, 254 Ki Lung Street, Sham Shui Po.


Entering Tak Ming Noodles Factory, one can see a wide variety of noodles, from traditional egg noodles to Japanese noodles and udon as well as different kinds of pasta. You can certainly call it a living noodles museum. The nostalgic decoration of the shop also conveys a sense of history.

Tak Ming Noodles Factory opened in 1957. Current owner, Mr. Meng was originally the noodles making master of the factory. After three years of working in the factory, the former owner retired. Mr. Meng and a few more staff took over to run the factory together. It was then renamed as New Tak Ming Noodles Factory. Now, only Mr. Meng is left to take care of the noodles factory.

According to Mr. Meng, this industry never rests. In order to ensure freshness of the noodles, they have to work 364 days a year. This tough working nature is keeping a lot of potential apprentices away. Master Meng starts his day at 5:30, packing and delivering the noodles before the shop opens. Since the shop has a history of more than 60 years, most customers are old clients. Mr. Meng sometimes delivers his products to nearby food shops and restaurants by himself. Since he is also involved in administration work of the factory, Mr. Meng works until 8:30pm every evening, more than 15 hours of work a day! He only has the first day of the Lunar New Year off and goes back to work on the next day. He works even when there is a typhoon! Although it’s all hard work, Mr. Meng finds happiness and fulfillment in his work, “I love making noodles, the simplicity of making noodles every day makes me happy.”





The traditional gift box of noodle


The shops provides homemade noodles.

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