西營盤歷史文化徑/ 正佳鞋

第五站/ 正佳鞋

Fifth Station/ Very Good Trading Co.

開業歷史/ 1982年

業務/ 鞋業零售

地址/ 西邊街16號地下

「正佳鞋」寓意“Very Good”的意思,亦取其舊舖位於正街的諧音,由陳氏夫婦創立,在皇后大道交界經營鞋業,直至九零年代租金上升而遷至現址。店舖現時以售賣學生皮鞋為主,當中不乏八十年代紅極學生男女的白色運動鞋。


Opened/ 1982

Business/ Shoe Retail

Address/ Ground Floor, 16 Western Street

In Cantonese, the shop’s name means “very good”, and it is also the homophone of “Centre Street”, where the shop was first opened. The shop was opened by Mr. and Mrs. Chan at the juncture of Queens Road and Centre Street, before it moved to its current address due to a rent increase in the 90s. The shop now mainly sells leather shoes to students. One can also find in the shop the kind of white sports shoes that were extremely popular among students in the 80s.

Before factories in Hong Kong moved to Mainland China, “Very Good Trading Co.” allowed clients to place orders for their shoes to be made in local factories. Though now times have changed and the shoe ordering service is no longer available, the price of shoes is still very reasonable. In the shop, there is a wooden shoe last that was used to enlarge residents’ shoes by one or two sizes. With more than 30 years’ history, this wooden shoe last reflects Hong Kong people’s frugal lifestyle in the old days.


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